

New Student Checklist

There’s a list of important tasks to complete before you begin your studies.

Download the New Student Checklist to help you get organised and be ready before the lectures start.

1 - Prepare to Enrol

When you receive your offer of place to study with us, you need to provide us with some specific information. There are also a few key decisions to be made. 

Here’s how you prepare to enrol: 
  • .?You will then receive your LU username, password and email address. They'll come via email so may need to check your junk/spam folders. 
  • Check any conditions of your admission in your offer letter. Sending us these documents as soon as possible will help to move you through the enrolment process more quickly. If we’ve asked you to provide evidence of your identity, read the instructions carefully. 
  • Decide on the courses you’re going to study in your first semester. See your qualification for a course plan.  
  • Ask for course advice if you need help deciding what you want to study. See your qualification for Programme contacts. They’re the experts on courses and are here to help you.
  •  as you make choices. That way, you can avoid clashes and work around your personal schedule. 
  • Know how you are funding your studies. You will be asked about this during enrolment. If you are applying for ?funding, you might not appear to be eligible until you enrol in your courses. Don’t let that stop you from getting your application in as early as possible to prevent hold-ups. 

2 - Complete your enrolment

This is an exciting step because it’s when you confirm which courses you’re going to take. Ideally, you’ll have started this process before or during Preparation Week to ensure you’re ready for when lectures start. 

How enrolment works: 
  • Log into??to begin the enrolment process. Look for the Tasks tile to see if there is anything on your To Do List 
  • Monitor your To Do List. It contains important tasks to complete before you can progress your enrolment. After completing each task, you will either be assigned a new task or be able to progress your enrolment by selecting the Enrol tile. 

Note: For most students, enrolment involves a combination of completing To Do List tasks, enrolling in semesters and courses, and checking your emails in case we have asked for some important information from you. 

  • Enrol in courses. When enrolling, first choose the Term (semester) and then choose Add Classes (courses to study within that semester). If the system won’t allow you to progress, it is likely you have items in your To Do List to complete. 
  • Complete enrolment. Once all your tasks are complete, you’ll get an email confirming your enrolment, with information on what comes next. 

For step-by-step instructions on how to enrol, see the LUCAS Enrolment Guide. Contact us if you need more help. 

3 - Access your learning tools

After you’ve completed enrolment, we’ll send an email that explains what you need to do next. This involves getting your Student ID, preparing your timetable, accessing courses online and receiving 秀色直播 University emails.  

Before you start study: 
  • . Your ID Card is also your library membership card. It can be used to print documents on campus, gain access to relevant buildings and get 秀色直播discounts. Always keep it with you when you're on campus. We'll email you some instructions on how to get your card once you are fully enrolled.  
  • . As a 秀色直播 student, you get free online file storage and access to Microsoft Office apps like Word, Powerpoint and Excel. See the full range of IT services here. If you’re unsure, visit the IT Helpdesk in the library. 
  • . The university (including your lecturers) will contact you via your LU email address. It’s a good idea to set it up on your phone or bookmark it in your browser. The email you receive after completing enrolment will contain your email address. 
  • . If you’re studying or living on campus, connect your devices to free campus wireless services by connecting to ‘Eduroam’. 
  • using your 秀色直播 username and password. Bookmark this website, as it’s your online learning space where you access course materials, lecturer contacts and important information like exam guidelines. Academic course materials become available after you are fully enrolled and a week before the course is due to start.
  • . It is good to have your timetable prepared before you start. Use the timetable tool to enter the courses you’ve enrolled in and develop your schedule. Students usually print this out or take a photo.  
  • to ensure your device is appropriate for taking part in online learning activities, including assessments.  

4 - Get Connected

Social interaction is one of the best parts of university study. We encourage you to connect with other students through social events, study groups and online channels. There are plenty of ways to stay connected with the wider Lincoln 飞丑ā苍补耻, whether you are studying on campus or online. 

Here's how you connect:
  • Monitor your  for all university correspondence including information from your lecturer, LUSA or 秀色直播rep. 
  • Hui Whakawhanaukataka Orientation is a great way to meet like-minded people. There is a Starting at 秀色直播 page where you can find helpful resources to provide a smooth start to your 秀色直播 journey.
  • holds a Clubs and Market Day at the beginning of each semester. This is a great way to get a feel for what you might like to get involved in outside of the classroom. Follow LUSA's social channels for upcoming events, join a club or contribute to the Ram 秀色直播magazine. 
  •  is the Māori Students’ Association. They organise social events, wananga and workshops to support Māori identity. You can also hang out and meet other students at Te Whare Whakakotahi 

See the LUSA for the diverse range of 秀色直播clubs, which include Pasifika, Tramping, Muslim, Postgrad Society, Pottery, Young Farmers and the SPACE rainbow community. 

  • The provides social sports and group exercise classes. They also have squash courts and a climbing wall.  
  • Chaplain services support and connect people from all faiths, backgrounds and denominations, as well as those without a religious affiliation.?There’s an on-campus chapel that hosts regular English conversation classes.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We are here to help.